Embodied Shopping


Team Member


3 Weeks


UX Designer

Description of the project

The intent of this project was to create a new experience for grocery shoppers to encourage in-store shopping. This would create a more engaging connection between grocery stores and customers, increasing grocery store sales.

Project Goals

After conducting preliminary research, we transitioned into the ideation and design phase of our project. This involved brainstorming creative solutions, sketching initial concepts, and iterating on designs based on user insights gathered during the research phase. Then proceeded to come up with many ideas for how to improve efficiency in a grocery store. We decided on a checkout line solution, as it was the most reasonable and beneficial for the customer.

Methods Used

Our team conducted preliminary research such as contextual inquiry and sociotechnical system analysis, which helped narrow down our target audience. We also conducted problem framing and journey mapping which allowed us to clearly define the issue we wanted to solve and gain an idea of how that issue would be solved in a real-world application.

Our secondary research and data collection activities included interviews and observations, which allowed us to better understand the users, their problems, and opportunities for better enhancing their shopping experience. Sketches were important to get an idea of the layout of our design as well as storyboards of how our product would look in the real world.

Our outcome was very rewarding. Conducting research helped us to form a clear idea of the issue we were attempting to solve and the method we used to solve said issue. Problem framing helped us form a clear idea of the issue we were facing, then the sociotechnical system analysis helped map out potential target audiences. The journey mapping of a particular shopper, granted us insight into an average experience without our design. Contextual inquiry helped us to gauge shoppers' opinions on struggles they might have and to observe frequent patterns experienced by shoppers in the grocery store, which led to developing a solid idea for our final design.

Key Findings

Problem Statement: Middle-age shoppers who are in a rush need a more adequate way to shop and get past the checkout line.

Design Question: How can we create a shopping app experience that eliminates the checkout process at the grocery store in order to allocate more time for shopping?


From our interviews we were hoping to find general customer habits, their feelings towards going grocery shopping, and problems they face during checkout that we could implement into our solution. 

We asked participants questions such as: What factors influence your decision to shop at (your store of choice) rather than others? Are there any specific products or brands you consistently have trouble finding in the store? How do you feel about the layout and organization of the store? Are there any areas that could be improved? Have you encountered any challenges navigating the store aisles or finding specific items? Do you often encounter long wait times at the checkout? If yes, how does this affect your overall satisfaction with the store? Are there any particular promotions, discounts, or loyalty programs you find beneficial? Can you share any specific instances where you faced inconvenience while shopping?

Our interviews provided valuable firsthand insights into the needs, preferences, and pain points of our target users. By understanding their perspectives and experiences, we were able to tailor our design solutions to better meet their specific requirements, resulting in a final solution that was more user-centric and effective.


Through several activities, we have uncovered critical insights regarding the problem of shoppers needing a more adequate way of shopping, especially when it comes to checkout lines. User gains effectiveness of mobile app usage during grocery shopping + user's attitudes towards purchase with these apps. From our interviews we found general customer habits, their feelings towards going grocery shopping, and problems they face during checkout that we could implement into our solution. By witnessing users in their natural environment, our team was able to gain insights into user needs, preferences, and pain points, which informed design decisions and iterative improvements. These findings have guided our approach to developing effective solutions that can mitigate the challenges posed by the problem.

Final Solution

Our innovative solution directly addressed our problem statement of middle-aged shoppers who find themselves pressed for time and frustrated by lengthy checkout lines. We answered our design question: “How can we create a shopping app experience that eliminates the checkout process at the grocery store in order to allocate more time for shopping?” with SwiftShop, we've reimagined the shopping journey to eliminate the traditional checkout process entirely, freeing up precious time for our users.

Users simply download the SwiftShop app, create an account, and start browsing their favorite groceries. The app allows users to create a shopping list that will show the user which aisle to find each item. Once found, they can easily scan items using their smartphone camera and add them to their virtual cart in real-time, and use the app to pay for their order. Once paid for, the app will provide the user with a QR code that the cashier will scan to ensure that all items are accounted for! With seamless integration of payment options within the app, users can securely pay for their items with just a few taps, completely bypassing the need to wait in line at the checkout counter. 

Our solution offers numerous benefits to the user within the grocery store. SwiftShop streamlines the shopping experience, allowing users to complete their grocery purchases in a fraction of the time it would take in a traditional store. By eliminating the checkout process, users can spend more time browsing for items and less time waiting in line. Users can now shop at their own pace without the pressure of a looming checkout deadline. They can easily add or remove items from their cart as they go, making the entire process more flexible and convenient. SwiftShop provides a hassle-free shopping experience, enabling users to enjoy a more relaxed and enjoyable trip to the grocery store.

Personal Contribution

I helped brainstorm ideas for our project with my teammates and helped solidify our final idea. I formatted our entire documentation page and created the table of contents and appendix. I conducted and transcribed an interview with someone who frequently goes to different grocery stores, and was able to gain the insight we needed to create a more effective solution to the problems. I participated in our in-class discussions and activities such as  journey mapping, problem framing, and the contextual inquiry. I added descriptions and summaries to our documentation page.Additionally, I created the script for our video. Finally, I made final edits to our documentation after feedback from the professor.